Michael Farrell (Cultic Support Ireland)
The Bush, Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath

Phone: 01-8250607

Website: www.culticsupport.com


No of years of Experience: 7 years in practice, 20 years research and experience with controversial social groups.

Specialising in: As stated on my home website the practice was set upprimarily for the purpose of providing support for people adversely affected by debilitating and destructive cultic processes.  The facility is also available to anybody who wishes to educate themselves about cultism in general or simply wish to engage in open explorative discourse on the subject.

Rate per session: N/A.



My formal education began with the nuns at Loreto Convent in Bray from where I progressed to complete  my primary certificate with the Christian Brothers in Mount Merrion.  This early part of my education helped me develop an abiding interest in sport and a growing awareness of the role of religion and nationalist politics in the lives of Irish people.  It was at the technical school in Bray I first began to develop any serious interest in learning whether it was in the disciplines of science, craft or religion.

After completing technical school exams I went on to serve my time at the trade of carpentry.  Attendance at Bolton Street College for carpentry training by day and evening courses in building construction by evening helped me develop the  confidence and competence to eventually run a successful construction company.  However, as happens in life, success in one sphere does not guarantee the same in another.

Suffice to say,  my long term ambition to return to education was catapulted to the  forefront of my ambitions, after family members became involved with a cultic group. I soon became aware what I was dealing with was not only outside my experience and field of competence, it also became apparent that those offering help or advice were either ill equipped or less than honest in their role as experts in the field of cultism.

Anybody who has been affected by cultic activity will be acutely aware of the emotional and physical strain brought on both devotees of a cult and those most concerned about their welfare.  It was my acute awareness of this unnecessary pain and suffering that motivated me to return to learning, and  engage in in-depth research of the subject matter which now spans some twenty three years.

The culmination of this learning was the setting up of the psychotherapy practice Cultic Support Ireland.   My methodology can be described as predominantly psycho-educational, in that, it is based on the free flow of information between client and therapist.  The information relates directly to building an awareness of cultic processes, whether they be in the area of social psychology, mind control, hypnosis or their relationships to various philosophical dispositions which can be identified as cultic.

unlike many of the Guru’s and self proclaimed experts offering their services in this field of learning, Cultic Support Ireland does not claim to have special knowledge or ultimate solutions to this problem. It merely offers the opportunity for those most afflicted to gain insights into particular dimensions of cultic processes and the more holistic picture of the culic field, one which they might not otherwise become aware.

On a positive note, I believe the study of  cultism offers a unique opportunity for human beings to better understand what is most advantageous to enhanced human well being, by simply observing it’s polar opposite, “cultism in action”.